Post​-​Orientalism No. IV: Dream Inside a Dream

Homage to Hennix (The Electric Harpsichord reinterpreted)

Igloo Magazine review

Involution (Live at Harvestworks)

Time Crystal Canon


Music for Black Sine Wave

Part of Ehsan Saboohi‘s Post-Orientalism project, released on the Noise à Noise label.

Elegy for Harold Budd (2023)


Involution is a milestone in the process of getting directly at the core of problem: translating a new harmonic structure into the music of emotional expression.

Paul Muller, Sequenza21

These are works whose mystery is neither subservient to nor supplanted by a fastidious ordering, a logic in beautiful coexistence with depth of purpose and vision. 

Marc Medwin, Dusted

Dave Seidel is one of the great, unsung 21st century home-brew composers. Most of his releases are digital, but this is another CD, coming out on the XI label, and collects his superb Hexany Permutations with another piece, Involution. Nothing but vibes, man, nothing but cosmic vibes.

George Grella, Kill Yr Idols (“Freaks and Geeks”)

To my un-technically inclined ear, “Involutions” is successive blasts of generator-like drones that are actually not too far off sonically from a medieval church organ. These ambient drones never stay in place; they constantly mutate, the aural equivalent of peering into a kaleidoscope and slowly twisting it. It actually sounds way more straightforward and organic than all the technology and music theory that went into making it suggests it would be, and I would call that a success.

S. Victor Aaron, Something Else!

He succeeds most beautifully with the three-part “Involution,” which resembles an endlessly shifting feedback sculpture in which alien dissonances take shape and dissolve into buzzing drones. It calls to mind a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat, as it is a series of pregnant lulls punctuated by blossoming microtonal events that make the air feel humming and alive.

Anthony D’Amico, Brainwashed

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